Eraserhead is my most spiritual movie

You ever look back at a year filled with a vague sense of anxiety, feeling like you've been holding your breath and waiting for a reason to release? It's probably nothing, I'll just continue to ignore it and focus on the positives. In an effort to both be more focused in my writing and also … Continue reading Eraserhead is my most spiritual movie

2021, or as I like to call it, 2020-2

It's that time again for a delayed media review of the past year. I played a decent amount in 2021 and approximately half of theme were a game that Suda51 was involved in so I apologize in advance as I spend several minutes gushing over the Kill the Past series. I didn't play too many … Continue reading 2021, or as I like to call it, 2020-2

I Survived 2020 and all I got was this crummy T-Shirt

To say that stuff went sideways last year, is a common excuse, but one that I am sticking to for why I didn’t do one of these for 2019. What follows is my scattershot notes written a little after I completed each game. Onto the show! Dragon Quest XI S My background with Dragon Quest … Continue reading I Survived 2020 and all I got was this crummy T-Shirt

Ace Combat 7 – A Welcome Return to the Skies

I played Ace Combat 4 for the first time in 2002 after renting it from a Blockbuster. That game lit within me a passion for fighter jets that to this day I still feel echoes of. It contained exciting melodrama told through multiple perspectives, tight arcade style jet fighting action, and a deliciously bombastic orchestral … Continue reading Ace Combat 7 – A Welcome Return to the Skies