
Where have you been?

Hello to anyone who somehow found their way here. This site will more than likely not see heavy or even routine use. I've been meaning to try and catalogue my thoughts regarding my main hobby, video games, for a while now. The idea behind collecting all these thoughts online is that it might force me … Continue reading Where have you been?

Eraserhead is my most spiritual movie

You ever look back at a year filled with a vague sense of anxiety, feeling like you've been holding your breath and waiting for a reason to release? It's probably nothing, I'll just continue to ignore it and focus on the positives. In an effort to both be more focused in my writing and also … Continue reading Eraserhead is my most spiritual movie

I Survived 2020 and all I got was this crummy T-Shirt

To say that stuff went sideways last year, is a common excuse, but one that I am sticking to for why I didn’t do one of these for 2019. What follows is my scattershot notes written a little after I completed each game. Onto the show! Dragon Quest XI S My background with Dragon Quest … Continue reading I Survived 2020 and all I got was this crummy T-Shirt

Ace Combat 7 – A Welcome Return to the Skies

I played Ace Combat 4 for the first time in 2002 after renting it from a Blockbuster. That game lit within me a passion for fighter jets that to this day I still feel echoes of. It contained exciting melodrama told through multiple perspectives, tight arcade style jet fighting action, and a deliciously bombastic orchestral … Continue reading Ace Combat 7 – A Welcome Return to the Skies